

有时想想,生气未必是坏事一庄。 你对别人发脾气,只因你对他有一定的重视。 所以,当别人对我们发脾气,也许我在他心中有一定的地位。那就让他发一发吧!

解读角度换了,心情也淡然很多。 执著的坚持,越来越显得无味了。

(p/s: 争执,永远不是解决的方法。人生没完美,但别遗憾。)




(i) 长途跛涉

也许不了解有多疲倦,也,也许不懂归家有多兴奋,或者也,也许不明离开有多不舍。五味杂成的心情,不尝试,你根本不了解,所以,我不多说。 说了,你也不了解。

(ii) 生理探访

探访而已,没大不了。 一月一次,早已习惯了。它只是那样刚好地发生在今天而已。 

(iii) 妈妈倾谈

妈妈对我放任,我有点吓倒。辞职,旅游与我的任性,妈妈都没任何的异议。 早上的谈话内容,让我印象最深刻的是,妈妈对我说,“你很少没心情,很少不开心”。妈妈,我真的在你眼里,都那么乐天吗?

(iv) msn聊天


(v) 一套电影


(vi) 想念



(p/s: 我只有心情混乱或不好的情况之下,才会暴饮暴食)


Roomie life

I've stayed with this gal for almost 2 years. She is a "cute" and funny gal that i have never meet before.

In the past, we stick together 24hrs/7days(unless i back to hometown). V sleep together, eat together, work together and zok-sei together!! Our favourite activities are sms-ing and msn-ing with each other eventhough we are side by side. haha... it's fun to have such a roomie life, rite?

To prove that how deep is my love with my roomie?! let me here to show u!
webcam with each other eventhough we're in the same room to prove that v really in the same room!! =.=!!!

Unfortunately, our lovely dovey life might be ended soon next year... By tat time, i gonna miss the following things:
- nobody for iciban-boshi, waraku, yakun, beifu & old chang kee
- nobody for Zara, forever 21, pull & bear, BSK & women secret
- nobody for coffee nation, honey beer & the ultimate
- nobody for Great world city, Orchard, Bugis, Plaza Sg & Vivo!!
- nobody, nobody but u

(p/s: i'm not lesbian!!)



这个周末,有点不习惯,可能我习惯回KL 了。 呆在这里,真的有点不习惯。

拜六,七早八早要起身,订了8点半的appointment去弄我的工作准证。结果15分钟内搞定了,效率真高!看看时间,还未到9点,Ah Kun 早餐前进!肥仔文也约了我9点半,要到JB 一趟,买车票,真的有点Kiasu!我们很Kiasu!然后,肥仔文要去会合我的ex-租客与他的女友。有点好久不见,但没话题的局面,幸好面包与一号到jusco打救我!面包带我回家品尝她的tiramisu, 不错吃。傍晚,肥仔文与我去喝咖啡。原本打算K书,但八卦的我,又与他天花地坠乱乱讲!那样,又结束我的一天。 

拜天,赖床到9点,然后开始打扫房间。乱七八糟的东西,看到我都很心烦,完全没心读书。打开我的衣橱,我的衣已好久没烫了(习惯每天早上才烫衣)。 准备好心情,才甘愿打扫与收拾。haiz, 其实我讨厌收拾,因为皮肤敏感。 每次收拾过后,我的皮肤总会有红疹,但我又无法抵受乱七八糟的环境,只好硬着头皮,慢慢收拾, 慢慢烫衣!


I hate i'm a gal!

收拾房间,我才发现我有那样多的东西。 @.@!! 这些东东是这两年购买回来的,也有些是朋友送的,也有些是大减价大量抢回来的(例如,body shop lo! 永远大减价,sgd5 的shower gel,我就买了4 支! )还有,我的美妆品,也是旅行惹的祸。价格比较便宜,赠品也比较多,所以每次都好不留手的带一大堆美妆品回来。真败家!我的坏习惯真的要改改了!!

make up tool!
粉底3种,底霜两支,mascara 3种,遮瑕两支,eyeliner 不少!

My skincare!!
之前是h20,现在是biotherm!还有body shop & laneige!   Mask!!!

我真的很爱mask! Body shop fans!

一年,我只能用3支shower gel, 所以我的储存量已可应付一年需求!  Body care stuff!! hair care!! The place tat store all my money!!




“脱下长日的假面 奔向梦幻的疆界

南瓜马车的午夜 换上童话的玻璃鞋

让我享受这感觉 我是孤傲的蔷薇

让我品尝这滋味纷乱世界的 不了解

昨天太近 明天太远 默默聆听那黑夜

晚风吻尽荷花叶 任我醉倒在池边”




Espresso, 听过吗?
Flat white
con panna
cafe mocha
cafe macchiato
caffe latte
cafe breve

reference : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espresso


  • 黑咖啡(black coffee):又称“清咖啡”,香港俗称“斋啡”,指用直接用咖啡豆烧制的咖啡,不加奶等会影响咖啡原味的饮用方式。速溶咖啡是不属于黑咖啡的范围的。
  • 白咖啡(white coffee):在咖啡中加入牛奶。
  • 加味咖啡(flavored-coffee):依据各地口味的不同,在咖啡中加入巧克力、糖浆、果汁、肉桂、肉豆蔻、橘子花等不同调料。
  • 研磨咖啡(Espresso):或意式浓缩咖啡,以热水借由高压冲过研磨成很细的咖啡末末冲煮出咖啡。
  • 卡布奇诺(Cappuccino):蒸汽加压煮出的浓缩咖啡加上搅出泡沫(或蒸汽打发)的牛奶,有时还依需求加上肉桂或香料或巧克力粉。通常咖啡、牛奶和牛奶沫的比例各占1/3。另也可依需求加上两份浓缩咖啡,称为“Double”。
  • 拿铁咖啡(Caffè latte):“Caffè latte”为意大利文音译;拿铁咖啡又称“欧蕾咖啡”(Cafe au lait)法文音译─咖啡加上大量的热牛奶和糖。又称“咖啡牛奶”—中文释意,由一份浓缩咖啡加上两份以上的热牛奶。另也可依需求加上两份浓缩咖啡,称为 “Double”。
  • 焦糖玛奇朵(Caramel Macchiato):在香浓热牛奶上加入浓缩咖啡、香草,最后淋上纯正焦糖。
  • 摩卡咖啡(Caffè Mocha):咖啡中加入巧克力、牛奶和搅拌奶油,有时加入冰块。
  • 美式咖啡(American Coffee / Americano):浓缩咖啡加上大量热水。比普通的浓缩咖啡柔和。
  • 爱尔兰咖啡(Irish Coffee):在咖啡中加入威士忌,顶部放上奶油。
  • 维也纳咖啡(Viennese):由奥地利马车夫爱因·舒伯纳发明,在咖啡中加入巧克力糖浆、鲜奶油,并洒上糖制的七彩米。
  • 越南式咖啡(Vietnamese Coffee):将咖啡末盛在金属特殊的泡制过滤器,倒入滚水,让咖啡一滴一滴流到杯子里;等咖啡滴完,随每个人口味加糖或者加点炼奶搅拌好即可饮用,在 越南有两种饮法是冷饮和热饮的。热饮的咖啡,人们主要在冬天喝的,泡制的时候将杯子放在另一个有热水的小碗里以保暖。冷饮咖啡则多在炎热的夏季饮用,是咖 啡泡制后再加上冰块的。
  • 鸳鸯 (Yuanyang) :咖啡加奶茶,香港独创。


Wish list

I like present!! I like buy present!!! i like buy present for myself!! haha.. my bad habbit!

Here is my wish list for my christmas present.

1. Another lomo camera. Can i still crazy for it?! any limitation of age?! Just buy, dun think?! Yeah!
(Advise for myself: i have 3 lomo cam and 1 digital cam. Somemore, got 6 or 7 roll of film haven develop yet. So, stil wan to get one more?! )

2. Fon! Pingu pinky is with me almost 3 years and recently abit sot sot. Is time to change my fon?!
(Advise for myself: The fon stil functioning and shao hao might spoil the new one! )

3. The Sims 3!! Crazy for this game since my uni time. From the sims till now, should i give up sims 3?! Definitely NO!!
(Advise for myself: Go for private CD instead la!! )

(p/s: Today is very free at office!! Snaking queen is back! )


Ichiban boshi

Our lovely Long ming was back from bali and called the sh gang for K-times gathering. But, yitho gonna work on sat and tang nid to attend her sister convo. So only left jye, pl and i. I suggested them for Iciban Boshi @ pavillion for celebration pl's birthday!! hehe.. 2 weeks earlier for it!

2 hours gathering with full of delicous food, non-stop gossip topic, horrible laugh and noisy voice!! LM and jye were keep talking about their wonderful bali trip!! (arg~~!! My travel mood is recall back again.) They had a nice trip, nice travel kaki, nice picture and nice story to share with pl and me!! hehe.. really nice one!! i heard their bali story for 3 times and lm stil keep repeating on it!

Lastly, i gonna thank Q,

lm -> for the non-stop laugh and story to share.
Jye -> for attend the gathering and share the bill! hmm... and the excuse too!!
Pl - >to let us treat u for your early bird-day celebration! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

V ordered some sushi, some salmon sashimi.

1 curry chicken set. (RM23.90)

wow! cheese is melting!! Yummy~~!!

hmm.. got tempura, 1 unagi rice and salmon rice. All in a set. (RM32,90)

4 of us!
Daniel Raymond
November Gal, happy birthday!!
Me, me n me!

Anna's day..

Yesterday was anna's day! Soo's family is outing for yummy dinner agian. We went to a restaurant called "Mei Keng Fatt" which located at Ampang or chereas. Why am i so blur?! It's bcoz i'm holding the big cake inside the car and my brother keep threaten me!! Can't swing and can't move on whole drive distance!! T_T

Had a typical chinese meals, got vege, meat, chicken, crab & prawn lo! (hmm... recently i'm lost of appetite. Hence, i can't really describe how delicous of the food!! But i did enjoy for it.) The total bill is RM600++, abit pricy but i'm not the person who paying the bill!! ^.^!!

Lastly, i'm gonna wish Baby Anna, Happy birthday again and wish u stay fatty boom boom always too!!

The big cake (cost RM300!)

Foto time with cutey shao while mum and brother are busy for ordering the food!!

Anna is cutting the cake.

Naughty Shao Hao is keep bully John.

wow~!! the 3 kidz of soo's family. The naughty kid, pretty kid and crying baby!!

hehe... fun time with Shao Hao!

